
Born on 24th June 2006 at 21:07, weighing 3.6kg (7lb14oz)


Holly is a happy and smiley red-headed toddler who attends a local nursery while her mummy and daddy work very hard.

likes and dislikes

She enjoys running, dancing, "borrowing" other children's toys, cuddles, waving, clapping, stories, eating, slides and stairs. She loves big open spaces to run around. She does not like immunisations or underwater swimming.

favourite things

Holly's favourite books are her Noddy lift-the-flap pocket library and That's not my dinosaur. Her favourite toys are hammers and other noisy toys. She is learning a lot about shapes and loves blocks. Her favourite foods at the moment are Ready Brek, bagel and yoghurt. Her favourite television show is Balamory.